The Wim Hof Method website is a wealth of information. If you have any questions or concerns get in touch, we love to talk about the WHM.

The Wim Hof Method

The WHM is a system of three pillars, breath work, cold exposure, and commitment. This is a system that has been developed by Wim Hof over the last half a century. Wim has 27 world records where he has done what has been widely accepted as impossible in the medical community with putting his body through cold and hot exposure. This has led to significant scientific research being done on the WHM with results that have and are changing the medical text books.

Some of the scientific studies are here, many more are in progress.

The Wim Hof Method

The WHM is a system of three pillars, breath work, cold exposure, and commitment. This is a system that has been developed by Wim Hof over the last half a century. Wim has 27 world records where he has done what has been widely accepted as impossible in the medical community with putting his body through cold and hot exposure. This has led to significant scientific research being done on the WHM with results that have and are changing the medical text books.

Some of the scientific studies are here, many more are in progress.

The Wim Hof Method website is a wealth of information. If you have any questions or concerns get in touch, we love to talk about the WHM.

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